Welcome to Shandong Resda website~You can order various laser welding machines on the website!

    What materials can be welded by laser welding?

    2024-12-08 11:12

    What materials can be welded by laser welding?

    Laser welding uses high-energy laser pulses to locally heat the material in a small area. The energy of the laser radiation diffuses into the interior of the material

    through heat conduction, and the material is melted to form a specific molten pool to achieve the purpose of welding.

    Laser welding machine, also commonly known as laser welding machine, laser welding machine, is a machine used for laser material processing. According to its

    working mode, it is divided into laser mold welding machine, automatic laser welding machine, laser spot welding machine, and fiber transmission laser welding


    Mold steel

    Stainless steel

    Copper and copper alloys

    Aluminum alloys

    Low alloy high strength steel


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